Tag: Fucina del Bere

Masterclass Lecce DOMENIS1898

Masterclass Lecce DOMENIS1898

MASTERCLASS DOMENIS1898 @Spiritosafestivaldelberebene On 8th May participate in the free masterclass organized in collaboration with Fucina del Bere! Have fun during the festival, taste and learn how to mix our products to create amazing cocktails! We are waiting for you in a historical setting at the Castello Volante of Corigliano d’Otranto in Lecce, Piazza Castello 1! With Mauro Dandy Uva…

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Masterclass Verona DOMENIS1898

Masterclass Verona DOMENIS1898

MASTERCLASS DOMENIS1898 @IterVerona On April 12th, don’t miss the free masterclass with Fucina del Bere! Have fun and taste our products mixed perfectly to create amazing cocktails! Next stop will be at @iterbar in Verona with @FucinadelBere in Via Sturzo,7! In collaboration with experienced bartenders, Mauro Dandy Uva and Michele Dal Bon. DOMENIS1898 masterclasses are mixology events where you will…

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