Dish: second course

Level: medium

Serves: 4

Time: 35′


4 slices of salmon
a small onion
3 sage leaves
a sprig of rosemary
a bunch of parsley
half a glass of Futura12


a cup of vegetable broth
4 tablespoons of oil

Step 1: Clean the fish slices, remove the central bone and any fat parts. Wash and dry them. Peel the onion and chop it with sage and rosemary needles. Pass the slices in the four and shake them to remove the excess four. In a large pan, heat the oil.

Step 2: Add the slices, brown them for one minute per side, then add the prepared mixture and cook for 3 minutes. Then pour the grappa Futura12 and let it evaporate. Wet with the stock and cook covered over low heat for 8-10 minutes. Season with a
pinch of salt and an abundant ground pepper and add parsley, washed and chopped. Let the ingredients blend for a moment and then serve on a serving dish.